Tours To Uzbekistan

 Durnali settlement

  Durnali settlement is located just 25 kilometres from Gyaur-Kala fortress. Despite its ancient and rich history, here you can see numerous ruins of buildings of IX – XII centuries. According to historical sources, there used to be a large Parthian city, surrounded by mighty fortress, which was restored in the middle ages.

  The fortress had rectangular form (about 180h160 m). There were strong towers along the walls and corners. Initially the fortress was built in order to protect a large number of citizens. The number of loopholes were over five hundred, as well as the upper tier was used for shooting of enemies. According to archeological researches, there was nothing in the interior of the fortress, but there were found fragments of a large building.

  Thanks to coins found here, dating to I – II centuries AD, one can judge about the age of settlement Durnali.  

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